Royal Family KIDS Camp

What does a week of camp look like?

Royal Family KIDS Camp is a one week experience for our campers to be surrounded by supportive adults and other children who have experienced emotional or physical trauma. This Christ-centered camp operates in part with the local church and foster care system to promote fruitful and positive relationships that last a life time.

At camp, campers will not only have memorable experiences with peers and volunteers but will learn skills to recognize and build a healthy strategy to overcome stressors in their lives.

“The overall effectiveness of Royal Family KIDS Camp that I have experienced is that one week at camp can be as effective as a full year of counseling sessions.”

— Becca C. Johnson, Ph.D.

For the camper…

Campers are assigned to a counselor and a buddy camper who they will do activities with each day. Some of these activities include arts & crafts, wood working, swimming, trail walking, rock climbing, and other fun experiences. Along with camp activities there are special events such as water games, talent shows, carnivals, and EVERY KIDS BIRTHDAY!!! Shhh parents, we try to keep this a surprise.

Also incorporated with camp is engaging Bible teaching and worship where kids will learn the love God has for them and the value they hold in the world. Although camp is not primarily focused on these experiences, they are included as part of the overall program.

For the volunteer…

There are two main categories of volunteers: counselors and staff.

Counselors spend the most time engaging with the campers. Each counselor is paired with two campers. They go through activities and events together the entire week. Counselors help the campers create Positive Mental Attitudes and are asked to focus on making moments matter throughout the week. Counselors spend 22 hours a day with their assigned campers! Being a counselor can be a demanding role but comes with an experience that may affect the rest of your life.

Counselors must be 18 or older, go through a background check, and complete 12 hours of training prior to going to camp. Those 16 years old may still apply and be a counselor assistant.

Staff positions vary. They help the camp stay organized, safe, and fun! Staff also serves the counselors in anyway possible to promote their bonding with the campers. Some positions are mandatory and require specific trainings and others may be filled with those willing to serve in specific areas. Many of the staff is referred to as Aunts, Uncles, Grandpas, and Grandmas to promote us all being a part of one big family!

These include:

  • Camp Director & Assistant Director

  • Dean of Men & Women (support role for counselors)

  • Child Specialist (licensed social worker, psychologist, or counselor)

  • Camp Nurse (filled by a RN, paramedic, NP, PA, or MD)

  • Curriculum, Bible, Music, and Drama Coordinator

  • Photography

  • Arts and Crafts

  • Coach

  • Camp Setup & Teardown (The A Team!)

Next Camp: July 28th to August 1st, 2025